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Swellendam Civil Registration: Deaths

Below is an index to the civil registration of deaths in the district of Swellendam, based on the images from the FamilySearch website, transcribed by Gillian Mauchan. The source is listed below.

Years indexed: (546 records)

  • 1895, 1896

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Civil Registration: Deaths - Swellendam
18951PLAATJEHelena Mage 23
18952WESSELSHester daughter of M, age 2
18953PLATJESDavid son of Abrham, age 11 Months
18954JANTJESJana daughter of Jacob, age 4 Months
18955KANNAJohannaage 15
18956PAARDEWACHTERSusannaage 73
18957LEMMETJESN.n. son of David, age 0
18958MARAISHans son of Edward, age 13
18959LEMMETJESN.n. son of David, age 3 days
189510SWARTAndrew son of Andrew, age 9 Months
189511MATHEEN.n. son of C J W, age 0
189512ONVERWACHTMariaage 35
189513PETERSMariaage 30
189514ALEXANDERSosshia daughter of Jephta, age 2
189515MOSHESH Joel son of John, age 1 Month
189516BAATJSDanielage 45
189517MATJANFrederick son of Dortman, age 11 Months
189518LEMMETJESPetronella daughter of E, age 5 Months
189519FARRELLGeorge Arthur son of J M, age 17
189520BEUKSElizabeth Wilhelmina daughter of J J , age 11
189521UYSCornelia Elizabeth daughter of D C, age 7
189522VAN EEDENGideon Willem son of J P , age 6 Months
189523SWARTKatrina daughter of J G G , age 6 Months
189524LINDEBOOMSusan Frances daughter of Maria, age 9 Months
189525SWARTRigina Katherina daughter of Johannes, age 7 Months
189526UYSN.n. daughter of Dirk C J , age 15 Days
189527MUITZCaroline Eliza daughter of James, age 2 Months
189528DIEDERICKSAlida Katrina daughter of C K P, age 3
189529No Extractable Data
189530SIEBERTPetrus Paulus son of J H, age 9 Months
189531SIEBERTPetrus Paulus son of J H, age 9 Months, (Duplicate Notification
189532SWARTJohanna Christinanee KEMP, age 58
189533ODENDAALJohannes Gerhardusage 34
189534TITUSDina Carolina daughter of Hendrik, age 4 Months
189535BEUKMANSophiaage 79
189536MICHAELSElizabeth Maria daughter of April, age 2 Months
189537SMITHElizabeth daughter of Marthinus, age 7
189538HENDRIKSCatherina M Wage 36
189539MERTDorotheaage 36
189540TITUSElsieage 35
189541MERTSarah age 15 Days
189542TITUSHendrik age 9 Days
189543PECKEURHans son of L F, age 1 Month
189544MATHEECathrina Elizabeth daughter of J, age 2
189545MATHEECathrina Elizabeth daughter of J, age 2, (Duplicate Notification
189546MATHEECathrina Elizabeth daughter of J, age 2, (Duplicate Notification
189547MATHEECathrina Elizabeth daughter of J, age 2, (Duplicate Notification
189548FRANCOISLeonard Jacobobs son of L J, age 1 Month
189549ADUJANS(?)N.n. son of Maria, age 6 days
189550STEYNElizabeth Marjaretha daughter of H C, age 6 Months
189551LEMMERSHannis daughter of Jan, age 3 Months
189552ARENDSN.n. daughter of Maria, age 11 Days
189553SCOTTCharlesage 71
189554SWARTN.n. son of J GG, age 6 Months
189555GILIOMEEMargaretha Johanna Katrina daughter of M L F, age 5
189556SWARTJan Hendrik Cornelis son of J H , age 1 Month
189557COETZEEAlbertus son of D H , age 12
189558COETZEEAlbertus son of D H , age 12, (Duplicate Notification
189559GIANILozernzoage 68
189560APRILMaria daughter of Janetje JACOBS, age 16
189561APRILSamuel son of Janetje JACOBS, age 2
189562GRIESSELJohn Frederick Peter Cornelis son of J D, age 1
189563SCRUTTONCatherina daughter of Hendrik, age 1 Month
189564GUNTERChristina Magdalenaage 61
189565LEVIEKlaasage 24
189566GOODWINJames son of Louisa, age 6 Months
189567VAN TONDERElsie Sophianee JOUBERT, age 26
189568VAN TONDER Jozuaage 64
189569SWARTFrancina Jaoubert daughter of Reynae Johannes, age 2 Months
189570SIEBERTJohanna Dorothea daughter of S, age 2
189571No Extractable Data
189572VAN DYKWynand son of G J, age 7 Months
189573KASSOERAChristianage 68
189574No Extractable Data
189575KASTOOIHendrik son of Jurie, age 2
189576RANG(?)Christina Jusana Gertruidaage 79
189577ZEDRASZara daughter of Marea AERZON, age 11 Months
189578HYNGERRagel daughter of Hans, age 2 Months
189579BADENHORSTJaccoba Margarita daughter of G H, age 18
189580JOUBERTPaul Josiea son of Gideon Jacobus, age 12
189581JOUBERTJohannes Stevanus age 62
189582ERASMUSHermina Johanna daughter of B J, age 3
189583SEVARTAnna daughter of Anna CLAASE, age 11 Months
189584HAROOTMAN(?)N.n. son of J, age 6 days
189585VOLLENHOVENSarah Marjaritha Johanna daughter of Michael, age 4
189586SNYMANPhilip son of Daniel, age 2
189587STEYNMariaage 64
189588BAATJISHendrikage 35
189589SWARTHendrik son of Aletta MATTHEE, age 15 Days
189590BEUKMANMaria daughter of D, age 2
189591MI(?)Petrusage 70
189592ODENDAALN.n. daughter of C J, age 4 Days
189593LINDE N.n. son of C C , age 22 Days
189594LOMBAARDChristoffel Johannesage 60
189595KANNEMEYERPhilip age 57
189596NEELTLING(?)Elizabeth Johanna daughter of C, age 6 Months
189597WINDVOGELSusanna Cathrina daughter of Calonie, age 1
189598DAVIDSElena K grand-daughter of Catherina PLAATJES, age 7 Months
189599MATHEESannaage unk
1895100SCOTTMeitje daughter of Piet, age 2
1895101VAN DER VUITMaria daughter of Koos, age 10 Months
1895102JANTJESCatrynage 23
1895103VAN EEDENDirk son of G C , age 11 Months
1895104KNOBLANCHChristoffel Lage 71
1895105SWARTDouw Gerbran son of Z R, age 5
1895106SWARTJohannes Nicholasage 75
1895107SWARTKathrina Elizabeth daughter of D, age 2 Days
1895108STIGLINGHCathrina daughter of P B , age 1 Month
1895109LE GRANGEJohanna Wilhelminaage 84
1895110YOUNGJohn age 55
1895111UYSMartha Kerstinaage 69
1895112VAN ZYLN.n. son of Hermann, age 1 Month
1895113MULLERCornelusage 70
1895114WINDVOGELKlaraage 18
1895115STEYNN.n. son of Lodewyk Christian, age 2 Months
1895116STEYNN.n. son of Lodewyk Christian, age 2 Months, (Duplicate Image
1895117FARRELLAlice Beatrice daughter of W J, age 2
1895118HELMCharlotte Mariaage 48
1895119HELMCharlotte Mariaage 48, (Duplicate Image
1895120TITUSJacobusage 27
1895121LEMMETJESAnna niece of Davidage 10 Months
1895122TITUSCatherinaage 30
1895123UYSSusanna Herminanee GELDENHUIS, age 54
1895124SWARTElizabeth Maria daughter of S J W, age 2
1895125PAGEMana daughter of James, age 2 Months
1895126MATJANLeah Magdalina daughter of Cornelis, age 6 Months
1895127PEKEURJohannes Stephanus son of Klaas, age 4 Months
1895128HAARSBROEKMartha Hermina daughter of L J, age 4
1895129MAYPiet Johannes son of Elisie, age 6 Months
1895130BOEZAKJannetje grand-daughter of Jannetje, age 6 Months
1895131KLAASELeentjeage 25
1895132THEUNISSENDirk Danielage 44
1895133HEUNISSENPeter Danielage 1
1895134MERTJonas son of Andries, age 1
1895135HOOGBARDGoliad step-son of Andries MERT, age 10
1895136VAN DYKMichael Cage 79
1895137SWARTKatrina Elizabethage 29
1895138CROUSOelof Albertusage 72
1895139STEYNHermanus Cornelus son of Johannes, age 10 Months
1895140STEYNHermanus Cornelus son of Johannes, age 10 Months, (Duplicate Notification
1895141ROSSAntjeage 65
1895142NOVEMBERN.n. son of Miena, age 2
1895143MICHELSDaniel son of Hans, age 8 Months
1895144BAATJISJanage 75
1895145LUCKEJana age 50
1895146GIL Johnage 22
1895147LE ROUXN.n. son of Susanna P, age 8 Days
1895148APRILWilhelmage 6
1895149DE VILLIERSSarah Johanna ? daughter of P J, age 5
1895150LE ROUXJohanna C age 12
1895151THEODOREAntje daughter of Jacobus, age 7 Months
1895152HARRISPetrus grand-son of Jacobus VALLENTYN, age 1 Month
1895153MUNNIKN.n. son of os J A W, age 5 hours
1895154LE ROUXPhilippusage 9 Days
1895155PETERSONJan son of Lena, age 12 Months
1895156JULIESAnnaage 84
1895157MEUKMAN(?)Hermina Jage 76
1895158MELLETTJohn Jage 58
1895159FREDRICKSMagdalena daughter of Nicolaas, age 14
1895160SWARTMatys Johannes age 36
1895161SWARTMattys Johannesage 36, (Duplicate Notification
1895162ARMOEDGertruidaage 25
1895163MICHELSLintoorage 22
1895164ARMOEDN.n. son of Andries, age 0
1895165VOLLENHOVENJohanna Catherina sister of James, age 2
1895166VAN ZYLJoshua Peter Christian son of J P C , age 12 Months
1895167PIETERSEMartha son of Jacob, age 20 Days
1895168BEUKESLeonard Johannes son of G J, age 1
1895169PEKEURHerja Maria daughter of Carolina, age 0
1895170KRONIERN.n. son of H , age 13
1895171KRONIERN.n. son of H , age 3 days, (Duplicate Image
1895172MAYFrederick age 9 Months
1895173BAATJISJacobusage 0
1895174DAVIDSJohnage 35
1895175MATYSMartenesage 30
1895176KUNDavid age 2
1895177FLORISON(?)Magarietaage 1 Month
1895178HOPLEYFrederick Hurlinghage 45
1895179MATHEEHelena daughter of Hendrik, age 11 Months
1895180NUVENHUYSN.n. son of , age 5 Months
1895181LE ROUXIgnatius Philippusage 17
1895182ADSHADEHewigage 11
1895183JAMESRopeaage 7
1895184VAN EEDENMella Mage 6 Months
1895185DE VILLIERSJan son of Johannes, age 6 Months
1895186DANIELSElsieage 9 Months
1895187PLATJESCatrynage 7 Months
1895188BANTAMHelenaage 15 Days
1895189APOLLESElizabeth daughter of Piet, age 2 Months
1895190SAMUELSHelena Grand-daughter of Marthinus OCKERS, age 3
1895191JACOBSJan son of Magdalena
1895192ABRAHAMSHelena alias Lena SAISTER, age 9 Months
1895193SWARTElizabeth Jacoba Williminaage 9 Months
1895194HALLStephen George age 58
1895195HALLStephen George age 34, (Duplicate Notification
1895196HALLStephen George age 4 Months, (Duplicate Image
1895197UYSPetrus Johannesage 79
1895198GAFFLEYHelena Maria daughter of A, age 2 Months
1895199KANNEMEYERCornelis Britz son of J C, age 7
1895200PECKEURJacobus son of Peckeur, age 36
1895201LEMMETJESChristinaage 36
1895202HENDRIKSAnnaage 35
1895203LOURENSJacoba Mariaage 15 Days
1895204BADEMANElizabeth Susannee LOURENS, age 9 Days
1895205HELMAnna Susannaage 1 Month
1895206LOMBAARDMaria Elizabeth daughter of D C, age 2
1895207SWARTPetrus Arnoldus Jacobusage 2
1895208ALEXANDERJohanna daughter of Koos, age 2
1895209ALEXANDERHans son of October, age 2
1895210THEODOREJacobusage 1 Month
1895211ALEXANDERAnna daughter of October, age 6 days
1895212GERTSESeptemberage 6 Months
1895213DRAGHOENDERHendrick son of Klaartje NOEMDO, age 3 Months
1895214PETRASTitus son of Klaas, age 11 Days
1895215CROUSMaria Johannaage 71
1895216HUMANCharles Frederickage 6 Months
1895217BAATJISJohannes nephew of Helena LEMMETJES , age 5
1895218PIETERSEChristopher son of J, age 1 Month
1895219TALJARDDirkie Herminaage 12
1895220DIEDERICKSMagdalina Johanna daughter of G M , age 12
1895221PLAATJESJacobus son of Catherina, age 68
1895222STEMVLIETAndries son of Sophia, age 16
1895223VAN EEDENMargaretha Elizabeth daughter of G C, age 2
1895224DU PREEZCarolina Margarithaage 1
1895225GILDENHUYSN.n. daughter of H J G, age 1 Month
1895226STASSENFranz Johannes Nicolas son of T J N, age 61
1895227DIEDERICKSN.n. daughter of C S, age 24
1895228PLATJESKatrina daughter of Alfred, age 6 Months
1895229VAN ASJohannes Page 26
1895230FALCKMargaritha Helenanee STEYN, age 64
1895231PRETORIUSN.n. son of Daniel, age 2 Months
1895232ANTONIESarahage 2
1895233GIANILorenzo Edward son of Johanna Margaritha
1895234JANSCathrina daughter of Maria PETERS, age 7 Months
1896142MEYERSHester daughter of A B, 1
1896141LINDESusanna Maria Magdalenanee VAN EEDEN, 44
1896140PIETERSJacobus son of Daniel, 2
1896139PIETERSCatharina daughter of Marthinus, 1
1896138FREDERIKSAnna daughter of Helena, 6
1896137JAGERSMaria Sophia daughter of Grietje, 1
1896136LANGENDYKJan son of Sophia, 17 months
1896135STEYNN.Ndaughter of Petrus Poulus , 12 days
1896134SMITHMartha Petronella daughter of P H3
1896133BOSHOFPetrus son of Maria, 4 months
1896132PIETERSENN.Ndaughter of Barend Jacobus and Eleanor Katrina Gertruida, 2 months
1896130POPN.Ndaughter of Thomas, 8 days
1896129CLASSENJohn son of Daniel, 2
1896128VAN DER VINDTPeternella daughter of Jacobus, 7 days
1896127ENGELSDaniel Van Renen43
1896126BASTIAANAnna Maria daughter of Mathys, 1
1896125FERNOLDElizabeth daughter of Cornelis, 6 days
1896124MERTCatherina Johanna niece of Maria APRIL, 2
1896123UYSGert Cornelis68
1896122JANSE Adam son of Adam, 6
1896121NUMBER ONEEva daughter of July, 2
1896120MARSHALLWilliam 55
1896119ROSSOUWMagdalena daughter of J H, 2
1896118ROSSOUWGertruida Le Seur daughter of J H, 6 months
1896117WOLHUNTERZachrada Gertruda daughter of T J, 2 months
1896116FEBRUARYWilliam 80
1896115KINGCatherine daughter of Elizabet KLASSEN, 8 months
1896114FLORISDemas Jacob nephew of Abram WITBOOI, 13 months
1896113DANIELSWilhelmina daughter of Jacobus, 2
1896112MANUELCarolina daughter of Rosa, 8 days
1896111PILOTLouis nephew of Willem JAFTA, 22 months
1896110LODEWYKPeternella daughter of Frederick, 2
1896109LODEWYKKathrina daughter of Frederick, 9 months
1896108BEUKESSarah Johanna Susannanee VAN WYK, 64
1896106MOODIEKlaas 31
1896105VAN DE REDEN.Ndaughter of Filepus, 2
1896104FRASERThomas Johannes grandson of Nancy ONVERWACHT, 5 months
1896103DU TOITGeorge son of Jan, 1
1896102PEKEURGertruyda daughter of Herm John, 9 months
1896101SNYERCornelia Maria daughter of Johanna, 7 months
1896100ESTERHUIZENJacobus Lodevicus son of M J, 18 days
189699STRYDOMPiet son of Boezaak, 1
189698GELDENHUYSJohn Daniel son of P, 2 months
189697ALEXANDER Calonie daughter of Sana, 1
189696ELLISMargaretha Christina daughter of J, 22 days
189695EBERSOHNN.Ndaughter of Piet, 3 hours
189694HENDRIKSIzak nephew of Piet PRETORIUS, 9 days
189693MARAISJacobus son of Jan, 3
189692MARAISJoseph son of Cathrina, 18 months
189691SWARTMaria Magdalena daughter of H O, 11 months
189690HENDRIKSHester daughter of Piet, 4 days
189689MARAISAbram son of Mina, 15 months
189688ROSSElsie Francina daughter of Maria, 8 months
189687TALJAARTMathys Johannes64
189685KAARLSEElizabeth granddaughter of Helena JOHANNES, 4 months
189682SWARTN.Nson of M T, 11 days, duplicate image
189681SWARTN.Nson of M T, 11 days
189680APPOLLISN.Ndaughter of Izak, 15 months
189679VERLWellemenanee WETBOOI, 70
189678STOFFELSBerend Martenus son of Elsie, 20 months, duplicate notification
189677STOFFELSBerend Martenus son of Elizabeth, 20 months
189676GEDULDElsie daughter of Jan, 20 days
189675HAASBROEKHendrika Johanna daughter of J F, 1
189674DE WITLouis Jacobus son of P J, 1
189673SWARTPetrus Gerhardus40
189671JANTJESMagdalena daughter of David, 3
189670PIETERSENSophia daughter of W J, 3 months
189669LE ROUXAbriham49
189668MEYERSGetruda daughter of Hans1
189667EDWARDSRachael Elizabeth17
189666KOLLENChristian Harald38, duplicate notification
189665KOLLENChristian Harald38
189664OOSTENDORPJan alias ROODMAN, nephew of M J ROODMAN, 3
189663MICHIELEva daughter of Carl, 1
189662PIETERSEJefta son of Johannes, 17
189661JACOBSChristina daughter of Jan, 6 months
189660PIETERSEFrancina 70
189659JAFTAGertruida daughter of Jacob, 9 months
189658STEYNMaria Elizabeth daughter of T G J, 8
189657FORTUINHessie daughter of Hendrik, 18 months
189656APRILWillem 60
189655PENTZSarah Susanna daughter of S S, 6 months
189654JAMBOJohanna Susanna daughter of Hendrik, 2 months
189653VAN DE BERGHercules Du Preez son of A, 1 Month
189652MARTINUSJohn son of Jacob, 2 months
189651PIETERSEFrans17, duplicate notification
189649SPRINGFELDAmos son of Dolphina, 7 months
189648STIGLINGHPetrus Johannes Bernardus24
189647UYSCornelia daughter of Dirk C , 29 days
189646VAN ASCecilia Johanna42
189645PIETERSERosiena Eliena daughter of Piet, 6
189644COETSEE Johanna Wilhelmienaknown as STEYN, 69
189643LINGEVELDENN.Ndaughter of Johan Hendrik Georg, 9 days
189640HENDRIKSSarah daughter of Andries, 5 months
189639PIETERSESara Magdalena daughter of P J, 9 months
189638STEYNN.Ndaughter of Johannes, 55 days
189637STEYNJohn Gysbert73
189636JANSE VAN NOORDWYKKristena Francine daughter of Nicolaas Johannes, 11
189635HALLWilliam Daniel35
189634KLAASEJohannes son of Gert, 9
189633HEYNSBarbera Johannanee LINDA, 59, duplicate notification
189632HEYNSBarbera Johannanee LINDA, 59
189631VAN ASCecelia Johanna38
189630MC DONALDMartha38
189629VAN ZYLCornelia Elizabeth Josienanee JOUBERT, 81
189628LINKSSusanna daughter of Apollis, 6 months
189627GELDENHUYSElsie Bedina83
189626SEPTEMBERLeah daughter of G , 2
189625HENDRIKSFrancina daughter of Jacob, 18 months
189624EBERSOHNJohannes Petrus son of Annie, 11 months
189623SWARTRhoda Marjory daughter of A D , 10 months
189622DAMONSElsia daughter of Amelia, 4 months
189621GEORSN.Ndaughter of Fredericka and Petrus, 26 days
189620Blank Form
189619STENDERSHendrik Lewis son of S J, 6 months
189618PRETORIUSJohanna daughter of Katrina, 1 Month
189617VOSFredrick son of H F M, 5 days
189616VAN DER VENTERGertbrother of W A, 1
189615SAULSKlaas son of Klaas, 1
189614MARAISLeonard Johannes47
189613HASSENFrancois foster son of C F DE WIT, 7
189612VAN EEDENAletta Margaritha daughter of J S, 1
189611BURGERWilhelmina Albertina Sophia daughter of J H , 2
189610JAMBOClara Margarita Frederickadaughter of Hendrik, 4
18969LEENDERTElias Daniel30
18968JEFTAWillem son of Willem, 17 months
18965MICHELSJan son of Grietje, 3 months
18962PRETORIUSSarah daughter of Helena, 16 months
18961WITBOOIElsie Elizabeth daughter of Gert, 5
1896143REZOUWTreu granddaughter of Jan, 15 days
1896145KOLVERAdam son of Adam, 1 Month
1896146OSMONDAndrew Henry son of Urn(?), 4 months
1896148MATHEEMarah Johanna daughter of Wellen, 2
1896149ROSSOUWN.Ndaughter of Hendrik, 4 months
1896150SCHIERHOUTDoris daughter of W P G, 7 weeks
1896151GILLIOMEEMatthys son of Mathewes, 9
1896152LOTZSusanna Helenanee VAN EEDEN, 25
1896153NELGriet Johanna daughter of Elizabeth J, 9
1896154SWANEPOELJan Andries82
1896155LINKSAnna daughter of Apollis, 8
1896156PIETERSCoenrad son of J Z, 2 months
1896157LOCKElizabeth daughter of Rachel OCTOBER, 8 months
1896158PEKUURFloris Jacobus grandson of Floris, 5 months
1896159MEY Danielson of Sarah, 15
1896160BANTAMSamuel 63
1896161ARENDSDorothea adopted daughter of Wilhelmina APRIL, 4
1896162SIEJLAANJacob son of Abram, 2
1896163SEPTEMBERMargaret Lydia daugher of H H Philysina, 3
1896164VAN EEDENJoshua Petrus son of G J, 1
1896165DU PREEZJustina Elizabeth26
1896166MAGERMANDaniel son of Gideon, 1
1896167PIETERSDaniel son of Anna DRAGONER, 3
1896168SWARTMaria Dorotheanee GROENEWALD, 74
1896169LOURENSJohanna Maria87
1896170WINDVOGELJohn Cornelus son of Catharina, 10 months
1896172LAKEYHenrietta daughter of Hester, 6 Weeks
1896173DAVIDSJohannes son of Elizabeth, 1
1896174SWARTJury Johannes Zach son of P J, 2
1896175HELMElizabeth Rachel76
1896176PRESSENSEIzak Alexander son of Christina, 4
1896178DE VILLIERSAnna Magretta48
1896180OTTON.Nson of A C, 1 Month
1896181HALLLouisa Elizabeth79
1896182CASTOORAdonis son of John, 9 months
1896183VAN DEVENTERGert Johannes16
1896184HOOGBAARDLea 50
1896185UYSMargrietha daughter of G C , 3 months
1896188MATTHYSSarah daughter of Pieter, 18 months
1896189WYDBoliert Shaw 36
1896190UYSJacobus Johannes75
1896191UYSJacobus Johannes75, duplicate notification
1896192ENGELSJessie niece of Peter Gystert STEYN, 11 months
1896194MATJANAbsalom son of Vortman, 4 months
1896195KOLLERKaatje daughter of Sarah, 17 days
1896196SIEBERTJohannes Hermanus son of M W, 13
1896197VAN DER MERWEMaria Magdalena daughter of G J, 2
1896198APELHendrik Petrusgrandson of Mina , 3
1896199ARIESElsieniece of Elsie PAARL, 1
1896200ARIESdaughter of Lena, 7 months
1896201ESAUCorneliusson of Sophia, 2
1896202ESAUCorneliusson of Sophia, 3 , Duplicate Image
1896203MYBURGHJohannadaughter of Piet, 3
1896204NOMENElizabethdaughter of Daniel, 2 months
1896205UYSTheunis Johannusson of P J , 5 days
1896206JACOBSN.Nson of Lizzy, 4 days
1896207BAATJESEvadaughter of Helena , 21
1896208TITUSJohn Edwinnephew of Gert HENDRIKS, 7 months
1896209KOCHBarbara Johanna61
1896210MICHIELJohanna Francinadaughter of Mitje, 3
1896211BLOMCornelia Margrethadaughter of M L, 3
1896212HAMANGertruda Elizabeth Katrina21
1896214LOURE Frances60
1896215VAN DER VINDTJacobusson of Dirk, 1
1896216JANSENN.Ndaughter of Dortje, 2
1896217JANSENLetjedaughter of Dortje, 2 , duplicate notification
1896218GERTJEWilheminadaughter of Elizabeth, 4 months
1896219VAALTYNMichqelson of Jan, 11 months
1896220MARAISEdwardson of Edward, 6
1896222AFRIKANDERSophia Daughter of Johannes, 10
1896223STOFFELSAnnadaughter of Mina, 17 days
1896224ANDERSONCatherina Helena84
1896226SWARTAdelaid Isabella24
1896227ARNOLSLea Magdelena24
1896228MERDJohannanee MARIA, 78
1896230LINDE Susanna Johanna Wellimminadaughter of H J, 2
1896231MANUELLeah 42
1896232CROUSWilliamson of J G, 8 months
1896233HOOGBAARDElizabethDaughter of Wellem, 7
1896234GILDENHUYSDaniel Johannesson of D J, 5
1896235GILDENHUYSDaniel Johannesson of D J, 5, duplicate notification
1896237FLUXMagritadaughter of Catryn, 2
1896238TITIESMgdalenadaughter of Sarah, 4 months
1896239VELANDERJacobusson of Jacobus, 12
1896240ABRAHAMSIssaac Marthinusson of Simon Johannes, 8 months
1896241PETERSPietson of Piet, 14
1896242VAN ZYL Nicholasson of Nicholas, 24 days
1896243OCTOBERNellanee MECHIEL, 47
1896244MICHIELDorethanee HES, 83
1896246CAIRNCROSSCaroline Matildanee CLARKE, 87
1896247STEYNJohannes Gerhardus Hermanusson of H J J, 14 months
1896248MARTENUSFrederickson of Nathan, 1
1896249MARTENUSFrederick Williamson of Jacob Frederick, 11
1896250CLAASSENFrancenadaughter of Gert, 18
1896251STIGLINGHJurie Johannes30
1896252ESAUDavid CornelisDaughter of Corlina, 4
1896253ABRAHAMSAdah Lydiadaughter of F, 32 days
1896254HENDRIKSAnnadaughter of Carl, 10 months
1896255HENDRIKSAnnadaughter of Carl, 10 months, Duplicate notification
1896256VOSJohannes Hendrikson of H D , 14
1896257WOLFAARTOrggeinna Mareitadaughter of J P, 3
1896258SWARTKatrina Frederika Elizabethdaughter of Hendri A, 2
1896259HENDRIKSElizabethdaughter of Klaas, 2
1896260MARTHINUSMaria Catharinadaughter of Jacob, 5
1896261GEORGEIsaac Jamesson of Johannes, 1
1896262COETZEESusanah Mareina68
1896263TALJARDMargaritha Mariadaughter of H T, 3
1896265JAUBERTCorneilus Jacobusson of A J, 6
1896266JANUARYClara daughter of Mattheuses, 10
1896268CURIDAAndriesson of Andries, 6 months
1896269FREDERIKSMariadaughter of Hendrik, 10 days
1896272STEYNAdreau Henderik Johannesson of Johanes Stephanes, 6
1896274HOOGBAARDJohannesson of Willem, 6
1896276HENDRIKSN.Ndaughter of Gabriel, 5days
1896277LEROERacheldaughter of Piet, 6
1896278GERTJEElizabethdaughter of September, 18
1896280EKSTEENAdriaan Bernardus Cornelis58
1896281DRAGONDERBaron Marthinusson of Johannes, 8 months
1896282MARTJANSophianee KUS, 52
1896283VAN EEDENJacobusson of G C, 7 months
1896284GRIESSELWillem Frederick Jacobusson of G D, 7 months
1896285VAN DE VENTERFrederick Hendrik Jerimias28
1896288HOPFrancina Mariadaughter of Jacob, 24
1896289CELLIERSWillem Aderson55
1896292UYSCornelius Janseson of D C, 4 months
1896293VAN DYKJohannes Albertus64
1896294VAN ECKJan Jads Welsamsson of N S, 1
1896295KLEINSMITHPieter Gabrielson of D C, 2 months
1896296BESTERRosa Herminagranddaughter of J P VOS, 4 months
1896297BESTERRosa Herminagranddaughter of J P VOS, 4 months, Duplicate image
1896299PETERSMariadaughter of Petrus, 6
1896300HOPVytjedaughter of Rachel, 5 days
1896301UYSJohannes Frederik58
1896302UYSJohannes Frederik58, duplicate notification
1896303UYSJohannes Frederik58, duplicate notification
1896304UYSJohannes Frederik58, duplicate image
1896305MICHELSAlida Francina44
1896306MOSESChristina 21
1896307PIETERSDanielson of David, 10 months
1896309LE ROEXFrederik Jacobusson of Susanna Petreonella Maria, 23 months
1896310LE ROEXFrederik Jacobusson of Susanna Petreonella Maria, 23 months, duplicate image
1896311MICHIELMariadaugher of Jan, 1
1896312APPOLLESN.Ndaughter of Elsie, 4 days



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2. Click on South Africa, Cape Province, Civil Deaths, 1895-1972

3. Click on Browse through 2,216,270 images

4. Click on the 'year'

5. Click on 'Swellendam'

6. Enter desired image number in Image # box



"South Africa, Cape Province, Civil Deaths, 1895-1972." Images. FamilySearch ( : accessed 2013.) Swellendam; Citing Department of the Interior, Registrar of Births, Marriages, and Deaths. National Archives, Pretoria.

  • Hits: 12197