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Sutherland Civil Registration: Deaths

Below is an index to the civil registration of deaths in the district of Sutherland, based on the images from the FamilySearch website, transcribed by Gillian Mauchan. The source is listed below.

Years indexed: (53 records)

  • 1895

The columns below can be sorted by clicking on the headings. You can sort on two columns by holding down the shift key and clicking both. You can filter the results by typing in a word or phrase in the filter box. The data is filtered while you type. Instructions for accessing the images can be found below the table of records for each set of indexes.

Sutherland Civil Registration: Deaths
18951KWAHLAGertage 1
18952VAN SCHALKWYKSarel Frauerisson of LD, age 4 Months
18953VAN WYKSysterage 54
18954CONRADIEMartha Maria Susanna Meiringdaughter of P H J, age 10
18955STROBUSAlbertus Petrusage 25
18956BOTMAJohanna Parblessdaughter of J L L , age 0
18957HAANSJosopson of Carmeel, age 1 Month
18958INAQAKWEKatrynage 80
18959ESTERHUYSENAdriaanadaughter of A, age 14
189510DU PLESSISAbraham Van Wykage 71
189511ESTERHUYSEN Maria Arnolda Christinanee VAN DER MERWE, age 54
189512KASTACinaage 61
189513KIVIETN.n.daughter of John, age 0
189514JAPTHAN.n.daughter of Phila, age 0, (Sworn statement of Midwife Leah Andro
189515SMITHMarthinus Laurensage 43
189516VICTOREngela Francina Katrinadaughter of J G, age 3 Months
189517MULLERMarthinus Johannes Joshuaage 35
189518CLOETE Elizabeth Marianee MARITZ, age 34
189519KLEINPeelieage 70
189520JANUARYTysage 75
189521VICTOR Aletta Hendrinaformely SNYMAN, age 29
189522CLOETE Elizabeth Mariadaughter of J F, formerly MARITZ, age 9
189523FICKS Rachelnee SNYDER, age 58
189524KEERSONN.n.son of F J, age 0
189525LOUWAngusson of Lenna, age 0
189526HOONN.n.son of J G, age 0
189527BRILLChrissydaughter of Frans, age 1 Month
189528MATYSN.n.son of Vykie, age 0
189529STEENKAMPEngela Elizabeth daughter of TW, age 12
189530DE VILLIERSWilliam Petrus Van Niekerk Joubertage 29
189531BOTHMAErasmusage 9 Months
189532VAN DER MERWEWillem Jacobusage 47
189533FAROJamesson of Joseph, age 0
189534KNICKERElsage 8
189535BRINKMaria Magdalenaage 50
189536BOTMAPetronella Elizabethdaughter of J, age 12
189537CLOETEAnna Aletta Hendrinaage 59
189538ENGELAAndries Danielage 49
189539SYMINGTONMartha Maria age 48
189540BRINKSariadaughter of Celia ZYSTER, age 2 Months
189541JONKEKivietage 18
189542VAN DER MERWEMagdalena Francina Jacobaage 46
189543VAN WYKHester Cecilia Carolina Wilhelminadaughter of G, age 0
189544BROWNN.n.daughter of Hendrik, age 3 Months
189545POEDELSaulson of Saul, age 12
189546KAAPNAALKatzethson of Jan, age 4 Months
189547KIVIETFrederickage 42
189548MINDOORWillem age 80
189549JACOBSDavidson of Meitje, age 5 Months
189550WHITLOCKFrederickage 66
189551IMMELMANSarah Johannadaughter of W, age 3 Months
189552VAN DER MERWEJan Abraham grand-son of W J D, age 7 Months
189553SWARTZSarahdaughter of Fytje, age 0



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2. Click on South Africa, Cape Province, Civil Deaths, 1895-1972

3. Click on Browse through 2,216,270 images

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5. Click on 'Sutherland'

6. Enter desired image number in Image # box



"South Africa, Cape Province, Civil Deaths, 1895-1972." Images. FamilySearch ( : accessed 2013.) Sutherland; Citing Department of the Interior, Registrar of Births, Marriages, and Deaths. National Archives, Pretoria.

  • Hits: 8151