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The 1820 Settler Correspondence
 as preserved in the National Archives, Kew
 and edited by Sue Mackay

pre 1820 Settler Correspondence before emigration

ALL the 1819 correspondence from CO48/41 through CO48/46 has been transcribed whether or not the writers emigrated to the Cape. Those written by people who did become settlers, as listed in "The Settler Handbook" by M.D. Nash (Chameleon Press 1987), are labelled 1820 Settler and the names of actual settlers in the text appear in red.

MILLS, Daniel, 1820 Settler

National Archives, Kew CO48/44, 598


15 Aug't 1819

Mr DAWKINS of Richmond having advised me that he has wrote your Lordship recommending me as a Settler at the Cape of Good Hope & to which beg leave to refer your Lordship as also to inform you that I have got people as under agreable to printed circulars. Having been much abroad & mostly in the tropical & warmer regions where I have made much careful observation flatter myself that I may be found useful in the Collony about to be established & which appears to me in every point of view the most important & political that the habitable world affords to such a country as Great Brittain. I have the honour to be your Lordships most obed't hble serv't

Daniel MILLS

Henry WOOLCOTT, stonemason, bachelor

Thomas WOOLCOTT, carpenter, bricklayer, bachelor

William YOUNG, farmer

5 farmers from the country soon as the harvest is got in but can get them sooner if required.

Have got a wife

2 boys of 10 & 3 years of age

4 daughters of 15, 13 ½, 8 & 1 ¼ years of age

Making a total of 17 persons


9 Harley Street

Cavendish Square




National Archives, Kew CO48/44, 675


9 Sept 1819

Being recommended by James DAWKINS Esq of Richmond to your Lordships notice & attention, now take the liberty of annexing a detailed statement of the names, ages and numbers of men, women & children which I propose taking to the Cape of Good Hope according to the terms specified in the Circular letter, at same time assuring your Lordship that I am ready to conform myself to all the conditions upon which his Majestys government has offered the grant land in the Colony.

I have the honour to be your Lordships most obed hble servant

Daniel MILLS


9 Harley Street

List of men, women & children proposed to be taken to the Cape of Good Hope as under by Daniel Mills, London, 9 September 1819

Names Age Men Women Boys Girls
James CARTER 34 1      
Sophia CARTER his wife 33   1 1  
James CARTER his son 2        
Henry WOOLCOTT 24 1      
Thomas LAWRENCE 28 1      
Ann LAWRENCE his wife 32   1    
John HART 33 1      
Ann HART his wife 29   1    
William HART his son 3     1  
Ann HART, his daughter 9mo       1
James PORTER 32 1      
Sarah PORTER his wife 30   1    
Thomas WESTBROOK 38 1      
George LYNCH 30 1      
Mary LYNCH his wife 28   1    
Thomas LYNCH his son 9     1  
William LYNCH his son 6     1  
George CHAMP 28 1      
Mary CHAMP his wife 33   1    
Richard CRAMP 20 1      
Daniel MILLS 60 1      
Martha MILLS his wife 40   1    
Martha MILLS his daughter 15       1
Harriet MILLS his daughter 13½       1
Daniel MILLS his son 10     1  
Maria MILLS his daughter 8       1
James Dawkins MILLS his son 3     1  
Caroline MILLS his daughter       1
Men   10 7 6 5
Women   7      
Boys   6      
Girls   5      
Total   28      


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