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Victoria West Civil Registration: Deaths

Below is an index to the civil registration of deaths in the district of Victoria West, based on the images from the FamilySearch website, transcribed by Gillian Mauchan. The source is listed below.

Years indexed: (121 records)

  • 1895

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Civil Registration: Deaths - Victoria West
18951MEEDINGFrederickage 48
18952BASTERCornelisage 24
18953LUSCOMBEEdith Mariaage 29
18954HOPPELTAdamage 51
18955BOSMANN.n.daughter of Edward C, age 0
18956N.n.Stoffelage 50
18957PAULUSPietson of Lys, age 3
18958RASBeatrix Hendrinaage 24
18959RASN.n.daughter of J J , age 0
189510BURGERSusan Mariadaughter of Willem Jacobus, age 2 Months
189511VAN HEERDENJantjeson of Lena, age 1
189512FILLIESJanson of Jan, age 4
189513ROOISarahdaughter of Jan FILLIES, age 6
189514MEISartjeage 25
189515DAMONNicolasage 30
189516VAN HEERDENGabriel W J age 41
189517N.n.Janson of Booy, age 5
189518DOWSETTWilliamage 45
189519DOWSETTWilliamage 45, (duplicate Notification
189520MACROBERTN.n.son of G J, age 1 Month
189521MACROBERTN.n.son of George J, age 1 Month, (duplicate Notification
189522SINCLAIRAlidaage 72
189523PETERSHendrikage 45
189524STUURMANKatjedaughter of Grich, age 11
189525BARTMANVilandage 33
189526LEOAugustson of August, age 20
189527SCHEEPERSWillem Jacobusage 23
189528BLOMSarahdaughter of Jan FILLIES, age 24
189529DE KLERKN.n.daughter of J C , age 0
189530DE VILLIERSPeterson of Jacobus Gideon, age 4
189531NOODSCHERPietson of Frans, age 18 Months
189532BURGERAndrew Nicolasson of W J, age 4 Months
189533N.n.Booiage 65
189534N.n.Jim alias Dhlapanzyage 35
189535BARTMANKievietage 55
189536EENHANDTSeptemberage 30
189537KIEVIETLaceage 75
189538N.n.Wildebeestage 50
189539PIENAARAnna Marieage 58
189540BUTCHERMadeline Veronicadaughter of W H, age 7
189541NIELSSENPhilipson of Barend C, age 3
189542WILLIAMSHendrikage 30
189543DE BRUINScholtzson of Scholtz, age 14 Months
189544N.n.Isaacage 17
189545AFRIKAHansage 40
189546VISSERJohannes Louwage 60
189547N.n.Kaudasdaughter of Kaudas, age 8 Months
189548MALANPieter Jacobusage 80
189549VAN DER MERWEHendrik Johannesage 48
189550MBENAMosesson of Moses, age 9 Months
189551VAN HEERDENMaria Sophia Susannahage 30
189552MEYERJacobus Nicolaasson of of Jacobus A , age 10 Months
189553DRAAIJERDoortjeage 30
189554FRASERAlbertus Jacobusson of Aletta HANEKAMP, age 4 Months
189555KOOPMANCornelisson of Magiel, age 26
189556BLOMERUSJacobus Johannes Zacharias Marthunisage 55
189557HUMANCalous Marta Gertruidadaughter of C C, age 4
189558HUMANHendrik Matthys Louwson of Cornelis Jacobus, age 10 Months
189559DE KLERKN.n.son of Jacobus Abraham, age 1 Month
189560MALANVan Dykson of Jacobus Petrus, age 8 Months
189561KAS Hermanusage 54
189562LIEBENBERGFrederick Hage 37
189563VAN DER MERWESusanna Magdaage 79
189564N.n.Booyage 50
189565KAYAnnieage 38
189566JAS Thysage 24
189567JAS Thysage 24, (duplicate Image
189568HARRISAmydaughter of William, age 14 Months
189569TAYLORStewartage 39
189570N.n.Louisaage 9
189571PLAATJESLeahage 57
189572HUMANCatarina Marla Gertruidaage 4, (duplicate Notification
189573VAN WYKAlbertus Willem Abraham Adrianage 34
189574PAULSENFrederick Jacobusage 47
189575BARTMANAnna age 40
189576BAATJESPaulage 92
189577ALIEMASTAliedaughter of Elizabeth MANUELS, age 2
189578OLIPHANTMietjeage 30
189579BOESANDERN.n.daughter of Katje , age 0
189580JANTJESN.n.daughter of Jan , age 9 Months
189581DE VILLEJohanna Petronelladaughter of Jan Daniel, age 1
189582DE VILLIERSAbraham Peterson of Jacobus Jonathan Jacob, age 1
189583BECORNEYHendrina Gusbertdaughter of Frank, age 4 Months
189584WILLEMSEJanage unk
189585WEILSJohannes Baatjesson of Johannes, age 1
189586VAN HEERDENAlidaage 58
189587OLIPHANTSamuelson of Mietje, age 1
189588BANKISON(?)Thewa daughter od Sannaage 3
189589RAATHCatherinedaughter of Johannes Corneles, age 17
189590DE KLERKElizabet Catharina Johannadaughter of J C, age 17
189591DE KLERKJanson of J C , age 27
189592ADAMSSophia Johannadaughter of Hester Johanna BAATJES, age 1
189593PRESENTJacobage 21
189594SINCLAIRThomas Kennethage 67
189595JONASLustig alias Dederikage 30
189596CHURCHMatthew Jamesage 68
189597VOSN.n.son of Sarah, age 7 Months
189598BAATJESJanson of Maria, age 1 Month
189599STABLERLouisadaughter of Paul, age 1
1895100JAN Maseadaughter of April, age 8 Months
1895101PHEIFFERAletta Marthinaage 47
1895102DANIELSKaatjedaughter of Frans, age 6 Months
1895103CRUMPAnnieage 28
1895104NIELSENSusanna Alettadaughter of Frederick Johannes Ferdinandus, age 7 Months
1895105N.n.Stevanesage 40
1895106BOYN.n.daughter of Swaart, age 6 Months
1895107DE BEERHendrinaage 60
1895108PIENAARElsieage 70
1895109N.n.Jimsage 18
1895110N.n.Jiemsage 30
1895111MOWISLettage 68
1895112LOTRINGDeebjadaughter of Hester, age 0
1895113N.n.Fransage 30
1895114WERNICHChristina Albertusage 32
1895115MALGASCatharinadaughter of Sanna, age 1
1895116LOWAugustson of Mietje, age 1
1895117BOESTANDERSina daughter Dinah ZEEKOE, age 2
1895118SNYMANDavid Jacobus Nicodemusson of Wilhelmina Johanna CLOETE, age 8 Months
1895119SNYMANJan Johannesage 28
1895120PRINSMaria daughter of Prins APRIL, age 1
1895121GREENMargaret Sarah Louisadaughter of Charles, age 2



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"South Africa, Cape Province, Civil Deaths, 1895-1972." Images. FamilySearch ( : accessed 2013.) Victoria West; Citing Department of the Interior, Registrar of Births, Marriages, and Deaths. National Archives, Pretoria.

  • Hits: 8949