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Tulbagh Civil Registration: Deaths

Below is an index to the civil registration of deaths in the district of Tulbagh, based on the images from the FamilySearch website, transcribed by Gillian Mauchan. The source is listed below.

Years indexed: (153 records)

  • 1895

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Civil Registration: Deaths -Tulbagh
18951BOSMANDolphinadaughter of Moos, age 5 Months
18952VAN SANTENPieter Johannes Hermanus grandson of J G LOMBARD, age 7 Months
18953VAN BIJONMaria Petronelladaughter of E H, age 4 Months
18954LIEBBRANDTMagdelina Fredrikadaughter of J P, age 3 Months
18955LOUWMartha Adelinaage 46
18956PETERSunnamedson of Baatjes, age 0
18957DANIELSKaydaughter of Sannah, age 1
18958WINTERBACHAnna Margaritaage 64
18959GORDEMANSamuelson of David, age 0
189510HANEKAMGertson of Jakob, age 3 Months
189511VALLENTEINMariadaughter of Jan, age 1 Month
189512APPOLOSAvalage 70
189513APPOLISJohn Gabrielson of Effe, age 1
189514FORTUINAricson of Batje, age 10 Months
189515LENDORMarthadaughter of Jakobus, age 5 Months
189516VAN WIELINGReeginadaughter of Adriana, age 11 Months
189517GEDULDSamuel Jacobusson of Jacobus, age 0
189518CHRISTIANTheresia Mariaage 81
189519ENGELBRECHTLouise Eliz. Petronelladaughter of PH, age 18 Months
189520BARONRegina Mariadaughter of Jan, age 8 Months
189521DAVIDSDavid Jacobage 22
189522GEDULDSamuel Johannesage 34
189523N.n.Unknown Maleage 25
189525FRANCISFrancinage 60
189526SCHEEPERSSophiadaughter of Daniel, age 14 Months
189527DE JONGHAlida Elizabethage 63
189528MOZESLea Christinaage 18
189529MICHAELSAndreasson of Matronis, age 10
189530SAMAAIAklona Petronelladaughter of Moos, age 20
189531SAMAAIunnamedson of Candaas, age 3 Months
189532SMITHunnamedson of Anna, age 0
189533VAN DER MERWEPhillippus Jacobusson of JJ, age 16 Months
189534FAROJonas Abrahamson of Abraham, age 0
189535GALZATClarradaughter of Cenna, age 10 Months
189536APOLLOSJosef Simonage 48
189537KRUGERMozesson of Maria CARELSE, age 6 Months
189538SAMAAIAdamson of Adam, age 4
189539JACOBSJacobus grand-son of Sophia, age 1
189540BOERunnameddaughter of Jan, age 0
189541BRANDERWillem Georgage 43
189542KOOPMANunnamedson of Jan, age 0
189543JONESCarolinadaughter of Sophia, age 1
189544ABRAHAMSDavid Christophson of Jacobus, age 0
189545JOSEPHRachel Corneliaage 76
189546DE VREELenaage 74
189547ASSURunnamedson of David, age 0
189548GERBERJohannes Abrahamage 60
189549LOMBARDJohannes Hendrikson of W P, age 1
189550REDLINGHUISJohannes Hermanusson of J H , age 8 Months
189551JOUBERTSusanna Debradaughter of PF , age 3
189552AFRICASampieson of Adam, age 2 Months
189553ADAMSCatharina Wilhelminadaughter of Willem, age 7 Months
189554SANNEBERG Adriana Cath.nee SALOMO, age 34
189555VAN ROOIHendrikson of Daria, age 15
189556GABRIELThomasage 60
189557KARDOMunnameddaughter of Lena, age 3 Months
189558DE VRIESJohannaage 60
189559ADAMSAbrahamson of Milton, age 4 Months
189560EIGELAARSannahdaughter of Klass, age 5 Months
189561SMITHunnamedson of Katrina, age 1 Month
189562NEHUISMinnadaughter of B C, age 8 Months
189563AFRIKAVallenteindaughter of Abraham, age 11
189564BARONJacobage 43
189565BARONLydia Wilhelminadaughter of F, age 3 Months
189566HENDRICKSJoseph Michaelson of Johannes, age 3
189567DE FREEHelena Amaliadaughter of Maria, age 4
189568LAHOVMaria Magdalena grand-daughter of David KORDAM, age 1 Month
189569ZWARTSWilhelmina Rosinadaughter of Gert, age 1 Month
189570APOLLISCarolusson of Flora PAUL, age 7 Months
189571NATESTitiesage 40
189572WIGGINSAnnileage 28
189573DU TOITMaria Susannahage 72
189574ANTONIESophia Mariadaughter of Matheus, age 2 Months
189575ALBERTYNWillem Johannes Petrusson of Gert, age 6
189576DU PLOOIDanielage 86
189577WELLSWilliam Herbert Laughtonage 29
189578CHARLESMartina daughter Albertus Jacobus, age 9 Months
189579ABRHAMSJacobson of Johanna, age 16 Months
189580VAN DER VENTELGertruida Wilhelminadaughter of Paulus, age 3
189581BRANDERCatharina Amaliadaughter of Manus, age 12
189582LOUWAdriaan Andriesage 20
189583INDIEDavid Johannes Petrusson of George , age 2
189584JANKOJanage 35
189585GLADDENJamesage 60
189586BOOISEHermanusson of Samson, age 10
189587MAURITIUSSarah Catrinaage 23
189588SMITFransage 81
189589DAVIDSEPetronella Johannaage 33
189590ADONISCornelius Johannesson of Jacobus, age 4
189591MOZESJohannesson of Johannes, age 1 Month
189592STEYNPieterson of Frederik, age 16 Months
189593NOVEMBERJohannesage 40
189594BARONMarthaage 74
189595FORTUINLouise Catherina Mariadaughter of Elizabeth, age 15
189596JEFTHASaulage 100
189597LANIGJamesage 52
189598KARDOMMinaage 22
189599MOZESMaria Sinaage 42
1895100ZYSTERAbrahamson of Jakobus, age 20 Months
1895101JOZOFKatharina Magdalenaage 43
1895102OLIVIERWilliam Benjamin son of WB, age 2
1895103AHAMSEdward Linusson of L P, age 2 Months
1895104ARNOLDSFrederik David Andreasson of Martha, age 5
1895105KORDAMAdam age 62
1895106JACOBSCarolus age 39
1895107WILMSNikclaas Albertusson of Cornelius, age 3 Months
1895108SMITHEvaage 51
1895109ECKENDOLJoseph age 87
1895110OLIVIERWillem Benjaminson of W B, age 2
1895112ONTONGSoffel Johannesson of Anna, age 24
1895113GEDULDAnna Margarethadaughter of Sampie, age 14
1895114RUITERSSanadaughter of G, age 5 Months
1895115KOCKSabinadaughter of Lena GEDULD, age 0
1895116MARAISMargarethadaughter of Adam, age 2 Months
1895117PETERSAndriesage 46
1895118DAVIDSEDina Jacobadaughter of David, age 11 Months
1895119SALOMONAmalia Hendrikadaughter of Ismael, age 14
1895120FRANSPaulus Augustinusson of F J, age 5
1895121JOSEPHSusanna Hendrikason of Abraham, age 1
1895122MARIASJohannes Jacobusson of Aron, age 1
1895123PAULSimon Johannesson of Klaas, age 0
1895124JOSEPHRachel Corneliadaughter of Gert, age 4
1895125FORTUINCarelson of Benjamin, age 2
1895126DAMPIESPietage 86
1895127GOEDEMANJacobus grand-son of Lena, age 1
1895128JAN Simon Petrusage 85
1895129FAROAdonisson of Fytje, age 4 Months
1895131FAGANAlbertus Pieter son of Esmy(?), age 4
1895132PATIENSFrans Davidson of Abraham, age 3 Months
1895133TREADONRickerkson of Rickek, age 5
1895134HENDRIKSAndreasson of Thomas, age 6 Months
1895135ISAACSanniedaughter of Isaac, age 8 Months
1895136FAGENLowrens Johannesson of Jem, age 5
1895137PAULDavid Johannes age 48
1895138ZOUTMANPetrus Johannesage 24
1895139ASSURRacheldaughter of Gert, age 1
1895140SAULAbrahamage 60
1895141PAULGustav Atonson of Leanna, age 4 Months
1895142AFRIKASamson Adamson of Samson Adam, age 8 Months
1895143JACOBAElizabethage 50
1895144TRUTERLouise Mariadaughter of Willem, age 2
1895145TREADONMozesson of Rickerk, age 3
1895146ALBERTYNWilhelmina Mariadaughter of G, age 2
1895147LENARDJacob son Jacobage 2
1895148BOSMANSarahdaughter of Moos, age 2 Months
1895149ANDRIESMaria grand-son of Daniel, age 1
1895150AUGUST Sarahdaughter of Sarah, age 1 Month
1895152BARTERSLentedaughter of Sarah, age 1
1895153PETERSMagdalenaage 23



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"South Africa, Cape Province, Civil Deaths, 1895-1972." Images. FamilySearch ( : accessed 2013.) Tulbagh; Citing Department of the Interior, Registrar of Births, Marriages, and Deaths. National Archives, Pretoria.

  • Hits: 9095