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Simonstown Civil Registration: Deaths

Below is an index to the civil registration of deaths in the district of Simon's Town, based on the images from the FamilySearch website, transcribed by Gillian Mauchan. The source is listed below.

Years indexed: (128 records)

  • 1895

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Civil Registration: Deaths - Simonstown
18951FISTERKieranage 78
18952FINDLAYJohn Sinclairage 59
18953BRUYNSDiedrichage 63
18954JONESWilliamage 29
18955SMITAlice Sarahdaughter of Isabella Christina, age 9 Months
18956SCOTTCatherine Wilhelminadaughter of William, age 2 Months
18957JOHNSTONDorothydaughter of W, age 3 Months
18958MARSHALLJosephage 57
18959BACKLilliandaughter of J P, age 0
189510BREWITTRichard Bage 79
189511KAAPKOWBlanchedaughter of William, age 1 Month
189512MAJIEMohamed Aemiemson of Araumah, age 9 Months
189513SAMATAbdol Kaharson of Rabban Abdol , age 3 Months
189514JOHNSONGeorginadaughter of Joseph, age 1
189515ROBERTSDorothea Wilhelminadaughter of Dora, age 1
189516KISSAntonieson of Joseph, age 1
189517KRAATSKOWMauddaughter of William, age 1 Month
189518KRAATSKOWMargaretdaughter of William, age 1 Month
189519DICKLouisa Catherinedaughter of William, age 4 Months
189520ROSKON.n.son of Maria, age 0
189521DIXONN.n.son of Henry, age 0
189522DAVISJohannaage 48
189523BARRETTGeorgina Bertha fosterdaughter of Susannaj Rettorson, age 5 Months
189524WENSNicholasage 60
189525TERRYVioletage 29
189526POLLARDFlorence Anne Catherinedaughter of John Samuel, age 16
189527AURETMagdalena Mariadaughter of Abraham Zacharias, age 11
189528MULLERGeorge Henryson of Conrad John, age 0
189529SAYERSWilliam Allenson of Percy, age 2
189530DIXONLouisadaughter of Eliza, age 3 Months
189531SCIPIONMalina Doradaughter of Thomas, age 9 Months
189532DICKJames Richardage 46
189533JONESMargerydaughter of George Henry, age 10 Months
189534MILLWARDJanedaughter of Thomas, age 0
189535TERRYBenjaminson of William, age 1
189536BRANDAbram Danielage 81
189537DAVISSarah Bestmandaughter of Kitty, age 1
189538SEAGERNellyage 21
189539POGGENPOOLDavid Benjaminage 28
189540MANUELMariaage 29
189541FISHANJohannes Jacobus Daniel Serbonage 21
189542WILLIAMSWilliam Georgeson of Caroline, age 1 Month
189543HANTANEMary Anneage 75
189544LEVENDALLSarah age 30
189545WUNSSTICKWilliamson of William, age 1
189546DE VRIESMoosage 71
189547KUYSJosephson of Joseph, age 0
189548LOTTERSElizabethdaughter of Charles, age 19 Months
189549FULLERN.n.son of Sophy, age 0
189550WESTEdith Florencedaughter of W, age 5
189551FERNANDEZAnnedaughter of Henry, age 21 Months
189552KRAATSKOWErnest Kempshallson of Christmas , age 4 Months
189553MATHEWSRosaage 29
189554CITTOJoseph Andriesson of Andries, age 7 Months
189555ERISHEMaria Magdalenadaughter of Abristo, age 2
189556GEMIDIENFatimadaughter of Abdol, age 2
189557WESTLAKEJohn Sinclairage 20
189558MC LEODStella grand-daughter of Constance Emily KISS, age 0
189559DE VILLIERSPetronellaage 83
189560FISCHANTN.n.daughter of Michael, age 1 Month
189561GUISEN.n.daughter of Jan, age 0
189562FRANCISLucinadaughter of Francisco, age 2
189563ANDRANDEAndriadodaughter of Anthony, age 1
189564BROPHYEleanorage 74
189565SLATERHilda Marydaughter of Richard, age 19 Months
189566MULLERHenriettadaughter of Marthinus, age 3
189567MALHERBEJohanna Jacoba Gertruidaage 77
189568EJIBLewisson of Thomas, age 0
189569ADAMSClaradaughter of Thomas, age 9 Months
189570DICKThomasson of Henry, age 2 Months
189571ECKLESCharlotte Theresa Elizabethdaughter of Peter John, age 16 Months
189572GRIGGSThomas Josephson of Thomas, age 9
189573JONESEllen Marthaage 23
189574HYDEGeorge Henryson of Annie, age 16 Months
189575ABRAHAMSN.n.daughter of William, age 2 Months
189576FRANCISWillieson of Blaas, age 6 months
189577HARRISMarthaage 82
189578TERMAINThomasage 68
189579DAVISEbenezer Emmanuelson of Thomas, age 1
189580HUTEJohanna Carlenaage 68
189581BESMANJamesson of Tom, age 3 months
189582BESMANJamesson of Tom, age 3 months, (duplicate image
189583DOTEAbadienson of Abadien, age 2 Months
189584DALZIELGilbert Leslieson of Edmund James, age 7 Months
189585FRANCISCON.n.daughter of Masohki, age 7 Months
189586ALLIEson of ALLIEage 2
189587KIMMISONMary Ann age 77
189588CLOETEPeterson of John, age 15 Months
189589JOHNSONElizabeth age 42
189590FRIGSFrederickage 23
189591DICKSabidaughter of Dick, age 2
189592HENDRICKSEAdrian Jacobusage 76
189593MULLERBarendina Sofiedaughter of Maria Catherena, age 8 Months
189594CLARENCEEllen Elizabethage 40
189595FINDHOHMCharles Normanage 49
189596SEBASTIANSarahage 43
189597ADAMSJohn Henryson of John, age 4
189598SCOTTRobert Johnson of John, age 18 Months
189599OVERMEYERArieson of Andries, age 17 Months
1895100DE VILLIERSHendrica Johannaage 84
1895101DE VILLIERSDavid Johannesage 63
1895102MAYAdamage 27
1895103BRANDKennyage 55
1895104BROWNJohnage 70
1895105TEBUSJohannes age 67
1895106PHILIPFrancesage 25
1895107BRUYNSDerkya Christina Jacobaage 57
1895108SMITHHerbertage 40
1895109BRUYNSDeiderickson of Andries Albertus, age 3 Months
1895110TOSPERMinnieage 30
1895111BROOKER Annienee PETERSON, age 37
1895112HAUTLEYSarah Helenage 65
1895113HIDEPercy Robertson of Thomas John, age 6 months
1895114LEWISAnniedaughter of John, age 6 months
1895115KIESLAATClara Charlotte age 21
1895116STAGMANSusan Margretdaughter of George Coenraad, age 1 Month
1895117FRIESLAARViolet Samiliadaughter of C J, age 5
1895118DE VILLIERSDavid Johannesson of Hester Amelia, age 1
1895119LEWISFrancisdaughter of John, age 6 months
1895120ALBRICHTSreven Edwardson of Peter, age 1 Month
1895121WINNICOTH(?)Henry Williamson of Charles, age 9 Months
1895122EMERYMargaret Charlottedaughter of Henry, age 2 Months
1895123VAN DER POLLN.n.son of Sarah, age 0
1895124STOFFERSWilliamson of William, age 2
1895125KNOTTWilliam Henryage 23
1895126LEWISElizadaughter of Cevido, age 11 Months
1895127MELLORAnnadaughter of John North, age 2 Months
1895128VAN DER POLLN.n.daughter of Sarah, age 1 Month



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"South Africa, Cape Province, Civil Deaths, 1895-1972." Images. FamilySearch ( : accessed 2013.) Simon's Town; Citing Department of the Interior, Registrar of Births, Marriages, and Deaths. National Archives, Pretoria.

  • Hits: 11290