Prince Albert Civil Registration: Deaths
Below is an index to the civil registration of deaths in the district of Prince Albert, based on the images from the FamilySearch website, transcribed by Gillian Mauchan. The source is listed below.
Years indexed: (169 records)
- 1895
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Year Image Surname Name Notes 1895 1 ESTERHUIZEN Jan Christoffel age 64 1895 2 ESTERHUIZEN Jan Christoffel age 64, (duplicate image 1895 3 RHOM Pieter son of Katje DAMONS, age 0 1895 4 JACOBS Teey(?) age 35 1895 5 MARLOWE Johanna daughter of Meitje, age 2 Months 1895 6 BOTES Johannes Philippus Jacobus age 58 1895 7 GRAAFF N.n. daughter of Anna, age 0 1895 8 ROSS Hendrik son of Hendrik, age 8 Months 1895 9 OLIVIER N.n. son of Frederick Jacobus, age 0 1895 10 SWANEPOEL Maud Catherina daughter of Daniel Jan Hendrick, age 3 1895 11 CILLIERS Maria age 55 1895 12 CILLIERS Maria age 55, (duplicate notification 1895 13 STUURMAN Karl son of Haus, age 6 Months 1895 14 DONZA Gert age ? 1895 15 ROBERTS Alfred James age 35 1895 16 DE VILLIERS Antje daughter of JJ, age 0 1895 17 JACOBS Eva age 27 1895 18 PIETERS Eva daughter of Saaitje, age 7 1895 19 DAVIDS Lefun son of Christina SWART, age 0 1895 20 ADAMS Johannes son of Isaac, age 9 Months 1895 21 HARMSE Dorothes Elizabeth age 34 1895 22 DU TOIT Catherina Johanna age 71 1895 23 LENDERS Johannes son of Godtol, age 2 1895 24 LENDERS Johannes son of Godtol, age 2, (duplicate Image 1895 25 LENDERS Johannes son of Godtol, age 2, (duplicate notification 1895 26 DE WIT Johannes Jacobus age 17 1895 27 DAMONS Katje age 23 1895 28 N.n. N.n. unknown male, age ?60 1895 29 SWART Jan age 28 1895 30 LOTZ Christina Johanna daughter of Andries Stephanus, age 1 Month 1895 31 SAULS Krisjan son of Klaas, age 15 1895 32 LE GRANGE Joseph Marthinus son of Johannes Jacobus, age 6 Months 1895 33 TITUS Hessie daughter of Magdalena, age 12 1895 34 STUURMAN Katje age 45 1895 35 STUURMAN Katje age 45, (duplicate notification 1895 36 OLIVER Jane Martha age 38 1895 37 LOTTRIE Jan son of Frans, age 5 1895 38 LOTTRIE Jan son of Frans, age 5, (duplicate notification 1895 39 VAN ECK Catherina daughter of Jacobus Michiel, age 0 1895 40 VAN ECK Catherina daughter of Jacobus Michiel, age 0, (duplicate notification 1895 41 AUGUST Maggie daughter of Petrus, age 5 Months 1895 42 AUGUST Maggie daughter of Petrus, age 5 Months, (duplicate notification 1895 43 VERTUIN Luja daughter of Mina, age 0 1895 44 VERTUIN Luja daughter of Mina, age 0, (duplicate notification 1895 45 STALMEESTER Maria age 21 1895 46 STALMEESTER Maria age 21, (duplicate notification 1895 47 THERON Cecilia Maria age 38 1895 48 BERNHARD Louisa Francis age 44 1895 49 BERNHARD Louisa Francis age 44, (duplicate notification 1895 50 WINDVOGEL Mietje age ? 1895 51 YEO Sydney P age 26 1895 52 GROSSHEEVEN William age 70 1895 53 FRYSSEN Gertruida Johanna age 37 1895 54 OLIPHANT Rachel daughter of Sanna, age 2 Months 1895 55 LE GRANGE Matthys Andries son of Matthys Andries, age 2 1895 56 OLIVER Frederick Charles age 9 1895 57 OSBORNE Adam age 85 1895 58 NATAL Jan son of Jan, age 6 1895 59 NATAL Jan son of Jan, age 6, (duplicate notification 1895 60 OLVANT January age 40 1895 61 OLVANT January age 40, (duplicate notification 1895 62 OLIVER John Oswald son of Richard Oswald, age 14 1895 63 LEVEE September son of Klaas, age 0 1895 64 LEVEE September son of Klaas, age 0, (duplicate notification 1895 65 LEVEE September age 0, (duplicate notification 1895 66 BRITS Michael Barend son of Okert, age 7 1895 67 MAKABAAN Zwartbooy age 65 1895 68 VERWEY Gertruida Jacoba age 35 1895 69 PAULSE Klaas age 38 1895 70 BREZIES Jan son of Jan, age 0 1895 71 LE ROES N.n. daughter of M H, age 0 1895 72 RUSSOUW Maria Johanna age 74 1895 73 AUGUST Roos daughter of Tryn STEMBERG, age 13 1895 74 BROMMER N.n. son of Barend, age 0 1895 75 JACOBS Goliath son of Saartje, age 0 1895 76 JACOBS Goliath son of Saartje, age 0, (duplicate notification 1895 77 MARS Jacob son of Mina, age 0 1895 78 MARS Jacob son of Mina, age 0, (duplicate notification 1895 79 COETZEE N.n. son of Gert Maxwill, age 0 1895 80 COETZEE N.n. son of GM, age 0, (duplicate notification 1895 81 SWARTZ Anna Christina daughter of JC, age 7 1895 82 MEYERS Anna Johanna Dorothea nee VIVIER, age 40 1895 83 SCHEEPERS Gert age 30 1895 84 BOTES Abraham Adrian age 23 1895 85 LOUW Marthinus son of Margrite, age 2 1895 86 OLIPHANT Rachel daughter ? age 2 Months 1895 87 JACOBS Rosena age 40 1895 88 TITIES Rosena age 40 1895 89 SNYMAN Elsie age 18 1895 90 DU PLESSIS N.n. son of Elizabeth, age 0 1895 91 DUFTERSIS Gesn son of Elizabeth, age 0 1895 92 FYVER Hester daughter of Gert, age 2 1895 93 FYVER Hester daughter of Gert, age 2, (duplicate notification 1895 94 DANIELS Louisa age 15 1895 95 OLIVLOTRIETIER Rachel Magdalena age 40 1895 96 LOTRIET Rachel Magdalena age 40, (duplicate notification 1895 97 LOTRIET Gerhardus Jacobus son of Jacob, age 16 1895 98 SWANEPOEL Catharina daughter of Peter J, age 0 1895 99 SWANEPOEL Catrina daughter of Peter J, age 0, (duplicate notification 1895 100 MALOW Hendrik son of Maria, age 3 1895 101 ROOS William son of Hendrik, age 3 Months 1895 102 VAN WYNGARD Sarah daughter of Daniel, age 3 1895 103 LEVEE Dora daughter of Anna, age 2 1895 104 PIKEUR Jan age 30 1895 105 PAULSE Catharina Cornelia age 37 1895 106 PAULSE Catrina Cornelja age (duplicate notification 1895 107 RIVIDO Haus age 27 1895 108 JAROO Sophia daughter of Piet, age 6 Months 1895 109 WELSCAT Martha age 28 1895 110 KRUGER Pieter Ernst age 47 1895 111 VENTER Jacobus Johannes son of Hendrik Johannes, age 2 1895 112 MATTHYSE Jacobus Johannes age 37 1895 113 MANUEL Maria Johanna Rebekka daughter of Filinon, age 2 1895 114 MANUEL Maria Johanna Rebekka daughter of Filinon, age 2, (duplicate notification 1895 115 BEKKER Jacobus Johannes son of Stephanus Johannes, age 1 1895 116 SWANEPOEL Isabel daughter of Piet, age 0 1895 117 SWANEPOEL Isabel daughter of Piet, age 0, (duplicate notification 1895 118 LA GRANGE Jacobus Blignaut son of Johannes Adolph, age 1 Month 1895 119 VICTOR Jacobus Lodewyk son of Johannes Lodewyk, age 7 Months 1895 120 VAN WEELEN Jan Johannes son of Willem, age 0 1895 121 SWANEPOEL Jacobus Johannes age 63 1895 122 SWANEPOEL Dorethea Johanna daughter of T J, age 5 Months 1895 123 SWANEPOEL Dorethea Johanna daughter of T J, age 5 Months, (duplicate Image 1895 124 DELPORT Catharina daughter of Adonis, age 0 1895 125 NUEWEKERK Barnard age 65 1895 126 WILLEMSE Elizabeth daughter of Daniel, age 1 1895 127 AMBEAAL Kaatje 1895 128 AMBEAAL Catje (Duplicate notification 1895 129 TOPS Ruiter son of Ruiter, age 1 1895 130 PIETERSE Maria age 28 1895 131 PIETERSE Maria age 28, (Duplicate notification 1895 132 KARELS Elsie daughter of Jan, age 2 Months 1895 133 JACOBS Piet son of Mozes, age 7 1895 134 JACOBS Piet son of Mozes, age 7, (Duplicate notification 1895 135 JANSE Esoi age 60 1895 136 STUURMAN Sophie daughter of Jan, age 1 1895 137 BERLYN Dirk age 64 1895 138 BEU Jan son of Gert, age 2 1895 139 STEYL Fransina Susana age 25 1895 140 MIZEASE N.n. son of Anna, age 0 1895 141 REUTERS Leah 1895 142 REUTERS Leah (Duplicate Notification 1895 143 DE JAGER Martin Turek son of FJ, age 6 Months 1895 144 DE JAGER Martin Turek son of FJ, age 6 Months, (duplicate notification 1895 145 PETRUS September age 75 1895 146 BAARTMAN Gert age 80 1895 147 BAARTMAN Gert age 80, (duplicate notification 1895 148 VENTER Willem Adriaan son of Christiaan Hendrik, age 1 Month 1895 149 DANIELS Sarah age 30 1895 150 GIBBELAAR Susanna daughter of Isaac, age 4 1895 151 ERASMUS Martina Francina daughter of T L, age 6 Months 1895 152 VISAGIE Katherina age 24 1895 153 PHILIPPUS Hans son of Else, age 2 Months 1895 154 BEUKES Gerhardus Francois son of M J D, age 0 1895 155 LE ROUX Burgert Daniel age 46 1895 156 KOETZE Betje daughter of Lina, age 7 Months 1895 157 VENTER Gertruida Jacoba daughter of W A, age 2 Months 1895 158 VISTER Rachel age 20 1895 159 ERASMUS Maria Magdalena daughter of Jacobus Lodewekus, age 8 Months 1895 160 KLAASE Sanna daughter of Flink, age 1 Month 1895 161 MOFF Jan age 35 1895 162 DE VRIES Susanna Magdalena daughter of GS, age 4 1895 163 LE GRANGE Casper Wilhelmus Albertus age 24 1895 164 SIZI Booi age 50 1895 165 SPOGTER Jan 1895 166 KOCH Wilhelm son of Andries, age 2 1895 167 MOWERS Thys son of Maria, age 3 Months 1895 168 LE GRANGE Gesina Maria nee VAN ZYL, age 55 1895 169 VISSER Helena Johanna daughter of F J , age 1
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2. Click on South Africa, Cape Province, Civil Deaths, 1895-1972
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"South Africa, Cape Province, Civil Deaths, 1895-1972." Images. FamilySearch ( : accessed 2013.) Prince Albert; Citing Department of the Interior, Registrar of Births, Marriages, and Deaths. National Archives, Pretoria.
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