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Cape Town Baptisms 1683

(page 28)

Ao' 1683

(entries written in columns across the page,
date, De name der gedoopen, de ouders, de getuigen.
These columns are transcribed vertically below - that is
first line: date
second line: name of the baptised child
third line: the parents
fourth line: the witnesses, if recorded)

Den 28 Maart
Pieter Dor[ee:] en syn huisvrouwe Anna Myrins
Catrina Meier in plaetse van d: Fredrick Hennier met syn huisvrouwe

Den 11 April
Hendrick Elberts en Aeltie ter Meulen
Hester Wiers van Lier en Henningh Huisingh

Den 18 dito (April)
Mr' Willem ten Dam opperchyrurgyn en syn vrouw Helena Gulinghs
Barbara Geens en Adriaen [...] van Brakel

Den 25 dito (April)
Hendrick Everts Smith: en Arriaentie Sterrevelt
Jan Vlock en Maria Jansen

Den 16 Maei
Arnoldus Willems en Angila van Bengalen
Jan Vlack en Gertruit huisvrouw van Theunis Dircksen

Eo dito (16 Maei)
Hendrick de Lange en Daentie Rycke
Joannes Smit en Catarina Brons

Den 27 Jun.
[Pieter] Cornelis Linnes en Geertruid Lubbringhs
(in the register the witnesse are written as Margarita Hoefnagels en Catharina Meier, but a x mark drawn from these parents to the next set of witnesses, suggests a mistake
was made and the witnesses should be:)
Maria Lindenhovius en Andreas de Man

Eodem dito (27 Jun.)
Pieter van Westhuisen en Maria Hendricks
(see previous entry - a line, and from the photographed photocopy I cannot judge its
possible contemporaneity with the entries, from these parents to the witnesses in the
previous entry suggests a mistake was made and the witnesses should be:)
Margarita Hoefnagels ien Catharina Meier

Den 11 Julij
Ockker Cornelis en Aeltie Gysberts
Beatris Gijsberts

Eodem dito (11 Julij)
Anna Catarina
Diederyck Potter en Zacharia Visser
Geesie Visser

Den 9 August
Hendrick Muller en Margarita Marquaerts
Casparus Willers en Adriaentie Sterrevelt

Den 29 dito (August)
de moeder Maria Lossee
juffrou Koon

Eodem dito (29 August)
de moeder Anna Pieters
juffrou Koon

Den 5 September
Dirck Cousse en syn vrou Sara
Tobias en Catarina Marquaert

Eodem dito (5 September)
de moeder Cornelia Bogaerts
Katarina Kiens of Meier

Den 26 dito (September)
Cornelis Stevensen en Jannetie Gerrits
Jan Stevens en syn huisvrow

Den 10 October
Arie Gerritsze en Aeltie Claessen
Belij en Jan Janssen van Oldenburgh

Eeodem dito (10 October)
Andries Beier en Catharina
Anna Hoecks [...water blot...]s Christia[...]sen van Str[...water blot...]

Den 30 October
Jannetie Hendricks compan: halfslagt
Lysbet half[...water blot...]slach

Den 7 November
Hendrick Cornelis en Beatris Gijsberts
Aeltie Gysberts

Den 19 December
Andries Beier en Catarina
Douwe Gerbrants en Maria Westhuisen


  • Hits: 8604

Source: Cape Archives Verbatim Copies VC 603, Nederduits Gereformeerde Kerk, baptisms 1665 to 1696.

VC 603 is a photocopy made during the 1980s of the original, made for the Sciences Research Council (HSRC) and a copy was donated to the South African Archives, a copy going to the Cape Town repository and to the Pretoria Repository (where it is part of the FC series).

The original register is now housed in the Nederduits Gereformeerde Kerkargief, Noordwal-Wes, Stellenbosch, as G1 1/1.

The transcription was originally made in 2006 by Richard Ball. Corrections were received from Delia Robertson and Alwyn Smit and Corney Keller had now completely revised and amended the original transcript (February 2012).

There are no doubt still mistakes, both of typing and transcription, but they are much fewer. We will be pleased to receive any suggestion for corrections.